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Firmware update for your TERRAPIN X

Date • 17 March 2021

Length • 2 min read

Kestrel Connectivity

We are constantly working towards improving the TERRAPIN X and expanding its capabilities. This not only benefits new customers but also existing users of the TERRAPIN X who can unlock new features by updating their device’s firmware. During 2020, our focus was on expanding our connectivity ecosystem that enables you to connect your TERRAPIN X to multiple ballistic apps and third party device. This gives you the freedom to use your TERRAPIN X with the ballistic calculator that you trust the most.

As a TERRAPIN X owner you of course expect a stable Bluetooth connection that reliably transfers data from the TERRAPIN X to compatible devices or apps. Recently TERRAPIN X users made us aware, that they encountered problems when trying to connect their rangefinder to Kestrel weather meters with Applied Ballistics. After installing the now available firmware version 13.02, the connection between your TERRAPIN X and compatible Kestrel weather meters with Applied Ballistics will again perform as it should.

In order to install firmware version 13.02 please connect your TERRAPIN X with the dedicated phone app (device needs be registered already). In the app select “Configurator” and then click on “Update firmware”.

After having installed the new firmware please follow below steps before connecting your TERRAPIN X to a compatible Kestrel weather meter again: switch TERRAPIN X into app mode, switch Bluetooth off in Kestrel weather meter, switch Bluetooth back on in Kestrel weather meter, select “heSt” in Bluetooth menu of TERRAPIN X;

Now compatible Kestrel weather meters will find your TERRAPIN X and you are able to establish a connection.


Name: Manual: Update Firmware (EN)


Date: Jun 24, 2020
